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1. Purpose of this notice

This no­tice tells you how Stonefish (UK) Ltd, on be­half of the Uni­ver­sity of Leeds ("the Uni­ver­sity"), will col­lect and process your per­sonal data when you ac­cess this web­site.

2. Automated collection of personal information

As with most other web servers, when you ac­cess these web pages cer­tain in­for­ma­tion you pro­vide will au­to­mat­i­cally be recorded by the Uni­ver­sity. This will in­clude your IP ad­dress, browser type, and in­for­ma­tion re­lat­ing to the page you last vis­ited. This in­for­ma­tion is processed to es­ti­mate how much usage of the server is made by dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories of users and, in the event of a breach of se­cu­rity, may be used to aid de­tec­tion.

3. Non-automated collection

Where you are re­quired under this web­site to pro­vide per­sonal data, the uses of this data will be in­di­cated at the point of col­lec­tion.

4. Third-party access

Your per­sonal data that you have pro­vided will not rou­tinely be sent to other third-par­ties (un­less no­ti­fied - see 3. above).

5. Cookies

Please visit the Cookies information page.

6. University Code of Practice

The Uni­ver­sity's Data Pro­tec­tion Code of Prac­tice also ap­plies to the use of per­sonal data under this web­site. The Code can be ac­cessed at

7. Changes to this notice

This no­tice and there­fore the ways in which your data may be processed can be changed from time to time. Any changes will only be no­ti­fied via this web page.

8. Further information and contact

If you have any queries re­lat­ing to this pri­vacy no­tice or the way your data is being processed through this web­site then please con­tact  If you are dis­sat­is­fied with their re­sponse please con­tact the Uni­ver­sity Web­mas­ter at web­mas­

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